
Causeway Consulting works with organisations to develop the right culture, people and structures for your business.

We are an experienced group of consultants who offer a professional skill set based on an authentic, enabling but challenging approach. We have led large scale culture change programmes, are experienced at merging organisations, have significantly reduced costs for businesses whilst at the same time increasing employee engagement within organisations. We understand how important it is to ensure those leading change have the knowledge, skills and expertise to lead themselves and their people effectively.

Our role is to work with you, to understand your business and to give you clarity and the right tools to implement the change you want to deliver. We can share knowledge and practical skills with you to enable you to plan your organisation’s strategy, develop and manage your programmes or projects effectively, whilst engaging and motivating your teams.

We work with relevant, up to date theory and concepts to develop greater self awareness and leadership/change knowledge. We adapt a learner centred approach that empowers individuals to want to take full responsibility for their own ongoing development. We provide clear models that are practical for organisations to use and we avoid jargon!